New Opportunities to Stamp Together.

The WonderBasement is opening for In-Person events in July, which is huge news. 

The first class will be July 25, 6 pm -9 pm. It is offered to those who purchase $75 from my online store prior to the class. 

This Stampin’ class is also available in a “TO-GO” class format. I will send (snail mail) you the projects & email a PDF Tutorial so you can have fun doing the projects at home.  I plan to add videos for additional instructions in future months.

More classes are on the horizon, so check often to see what new offerings are available. The WonderBasement Events Page is updated regularly. Class size will be kept to a minimum (4-6), so there may be added times and dates.

Stampin’UP! BONUS DAYS are here again

Because do you know what’s a great deal? Getting rewarded for all the crafting supplies you’re already going to buy! When you shop between 3–31 July and spend $50 you will earn a $5 coupon! 

 Make sure you save all your coupons because you can redeem them (and we mean ALL of them) between 1–31 August. 

Join me LIVE on FaceBook

Every Friday, at 2 pm. Grab a coffee, and let's talk Stampin'!I will demo the product, teach techniques & answer your questions.


Happiest Day & Cutest Onesie


New Catalog 2024-25 Pre-Order Unboxing