The WonderBasement

Tonya Dieterlen Independent Stampin'Up! Demonstrator

A simple Saturday message: Time to be Inspired

InspirationTonya Dieterlen

I have been excited working on my business over the past several months. I've put in a ton of hours learning "all the things" media, blogging, programing/coding (albeit, minimal amounts), and learning how to implement strategy. I find it is SO much fun.

However, my creative mind, sometimes just needs some white space. A place I can go to just let all the air out of the pressured balloon of my brain. SO I went to a couple of my favorite stores, TJ Maxx, and Michael's. It was a short trip, but long enough for me to take in some inspiration. LOOK at these Christmas greens! Gorgeous!!! 

I also got to take a trip to a local craft fair where a friend had an adorable booth, full of painted window & doors. Again, inspiring. It was a bright sunny day, slightly breezy and the corn was ready for harvest. Vivid blues and warm yellows & greens. Oh, so yummy! Pumpkins and Orchards. Anyway, my message today is: TAKE THE TIME TO BE INSPIRED. Happy Weekend, ya'll!  love Tonya


Are you a Pioneer???? Yes? Check out below!

Tonya Dieterlen

What do I mean, you ask??? Well, are you one who LOVEs to be the first one on the block with the latest techno-gadget, or appliance--think keruig or the soda machine or that cool new ice maker that gives you chewy ice!! Honestly, that is me to a "t"! I just love being the "pioneer" in so many ways. I love to begin new projects, I love to organize new groups, I love to start new studies and classes. I get a rush with organizing all the fun new-ness AND learning all the things that go along with it! I think it boils down to how much I love to learn.

With that in mind, check out the offer below. If you want to get your hands on these before the general public and you are willing to test them out and give feedback on what you love about them, THIS OFFER IS FOR YOU! 

If you have questions about becoming a demonstrator, you can check out my blog post below. If you still have more questions, shoot me an email or fb message and I'll be glad to talk shop. This business has so much to offer!! Not only if you are looking to build a profitable business, but if you are a new or experienced crafter and you want to learn how to use the best products in the craft/art industry, or if you just want to gather with other creative-like-minded individuals. I'd love to have you join! Fun! Fun! Fun!!!

How do I color my stamped images??? OH, let me count the ways!

Tonya DieterlenComment

Hey ya'll, how ya doing? It's been a rainy Thursday today, and I've been in a little bit of a funk. I had a meeting planned with some friends/coworkers to work on stamp creations :) That always makes my day better! I expressed my hum-ho mood and like any good friend,  they told me to just start coloring.

What a great idea!!  You know what I mean? Some days you just need to let your brain, body, spirit rest and get back to a good place. I have loved to color since I can remember. and I LOVE color in general. You hang around here long and you'll get the "I LOVE COLORS" vibe! It's so relaxing to me. I realize that it might not be everyones favorite activity, and so I decided to make my coloring productive by sharing some tips on using each of the different products, and how to get the best results with each! These pens and pencils are some of my favorite! 

Over the next few days, I'll post quick tip videos for each method. I took virtually the same image (DSP Just Cdd Color Specialty Paper) and use three different coloring mediums. Blenders, alcohol markers (these are ONLY available if you sign up to become a demonstrator and order before October 10th). Watercolor pencils and a Blender Pen, which was added to the SU! product line in Spring last year. AND finally,  the Stampin' Write Stampin' markers, which are watercolor markers. Each have their own benefits, and techniques. Like I said, I love all three, but for different reasons and effects. Here are the pictures:



Can you guess which one was colored with which product?? Let me know what you think and I'll show you more tomorrow!! Happy Stamping!

Pick A Pattern DSP & some other Cool Paper!

Tonya Dieterlen
Take a look at the Designer Series Paper that is on sale this month! There are SO many favorites! One of my favorites is the Pick A Pattern DSP. It's SO adorable and such happy colors! I made a cute little framed art piece that uses this paper and t…

Take a look at the Designer Series Paper that is on sale this month! There are SO many favorites! One of my favorites is the Pick A Pattern DSP. It's SO adorable and such happy colors! I made a cute little framed art piece that uses this paper and the stamp set that goes with it is on sale as well! Just Add Text, 143934 wood block, 143934, suggested clear blocks: c & d.
